On May 24th, Mr. George Bluman, who is accredited as the pioneer of Symmetry Method in Mathematical Physics, Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor of University of British Columbia, Canada, came to SMU for a week of academic exchange activities. He gave a lecture to SMU undergraduates about mathematics, demonstrating undergraduate teaching methods of and interacting with the students.
On May 26th, Prof. George Bluman had a discussion with teachers from SMU Mathematics Department over teaching, research, and administrative work.
While in Shanghai, Prof. George Bluman also made two academic reports for Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Shanghai University.
Prof. George Bluman was the Dean of the Department of Mathematics, Columbia University, Canada, and editor of several international mathematical physics journals. He has been engaged in different levels of education and teaching research. More than 60 papers and 7 books of his works have been published.