Length of Study

Long-term Program: one semester (four months or above in length); Program includes five-day, three-day courses etc. Spring Semester starts in February and Fall Semester starts in September.

Short-term Program: 2 -18weeks/semester or above in length; Program includes five-day, three-day courses etc.



Chinese Language Course: from Level1 to level8, altogether 8 levels including intensive reading, extensive reading, listening, speaking, writing, newspaper reading and HSK etc. (Pls. refer to the following two tables.).

Serial Lectures on Chinese Culture


Comprehensive Chinese Courses (Table I)

Courses5-day Long-term Program5-day Short-term Program
Levels AvailableLevel 1 - level 8Level 1 - level 8
4 weeks+
Application Deadline20thFeb.
10th Sep.
Join the class at any time
Class Time9:00 - 12:15 Mon.-Fri.
20 class hours /week
9:00 - 12:15 Mon.-Fri.
20 class hours /week
Tuition(CNY)¥8,500 Yuan¥2,500 Yuan the first month;
¥500 Yuan every additional week

★ Comprehensive Chinese Courses - Improve your Chinese comprehensively through reading, writing, listening, & speaking

Practical Chinese Courses (Table II)
Courses3-day Long-term Program3-day Short-term Program
Levels AvailableLevel 1 - level 8Level 1 - level 8
Join the class at any time
Application Deadline20thFeb.
10th Sep.
Class Time9:00-12:15
Mon., Wed., Fri.
12class hours/week
Mon., Wed., Fri.
12 class hours /week
Tuition(CNY)¥6,600 Yuan¥2,000 Yuan the first month;
¥400 Yuan each additional week
★ Practical Chinese Courses - Improve your daily communication skills by concentrating on speaking and listening

Class Period and Size

1 class hours= 45 minutes. Class size: Minimum 5 students, average is about 20.

Holidays: Academic Calendar will follow the national legal holidays of China.


Application Period

Long-term program: Spring Semester application starts from September and Fall Semester starts from February.

Short-term Program: The application is accepted all over the year.



Applicants should be over 18 and under 50 years old andin good health.


Application Documents

Application Form for International Students at Shanghai Maritime University

Photocopy of passport.

Passport photos (in size of 4cm * 3cm).

 All documents are not returnable.


Tuition and Related fees

Registration feeCNY400∕person

Tuition: refer to table I and table II

Textbook: CNY200-300 /person based on Chinese level

Accommodation: CNY40/ person/day


Tuition Fee Discount

10% discount from the start of the second semester for the student who have chosen the Long-term Comprehensive Chinese Course (Intensive) for two consecutive semesters; No registration fee for students currently attending Shanghai Maritime University; RMB400 discount for one immediate family member who registers for the same semester.



You will receive a Completion Certificate issued by IEC, SMU if you finish the required class hours and pass the exams.

 SMU Application Form