Lloyd's Scholarship Award Ceremony and Lloyd's 250th Anniversary Maritime Security Seminar Held

Author:系统管理员Release Time:2010-06-07View:7

On May 28th, the third SMU Lloyd's Post-graduate Scholarship Award ceremony was held. Prof. Huang Youfang, Vice President of SMU and Mr. Roy Ellams, representative of LRET in China attended the ceremony. Prof. Yu Siqin, Director of the Post-graduate College of SMU presided at the ceremony. The ceremony was also attended by Prof. Shi Chaojian, Dean of Merchant Marine College graduate students of Marine Engineering.

British LR is the first organization to establish scholarship for the nurturing of graduate students of SMU. Six post-graduate students won the Lloyd’s Scholarship this time.

Mr. Roy Ellams expressed that LR will continue to engage in funding plan for education of maritime sector in hope of more in-depth cooperation and exchanges between Lloyd's and SMU.

On the afternoon of 28th, the 250th anniversary of Lloyd's Maritime Security Seminar was held. Mr. Yang Haitao, alumnus of SMU and Lloyd's surveyor made a presentation for students on maritime security.

After the lecture, students of SMU and experts of Lloyd's ship survey had heated exchanges on such issues as register of shipping, shipping and financial crisis.