SAIIS Held the Opening Ceremony of 2018’s DBA Program

Author:系统管理员Release Time:2018-12-18View:12

On December 15th, the Opening Ceremony of Shanghai Advanced Institute of International Shipping(SAIIS) 2018’s Doctorate in Business Administration(DBA) Program was held in SMU. Prof. Huang Youfang, President of SMU, Mr. Jean-Christophe Hauguel, Vice President of école de Management de Normandie(EMN), and related faculties from SMU participated in this ceremony.

President Huang extended warm welcome to Mr Hauguel. He said that the joint DBA Program was a milestone for higher education both in China and France, which would make positive contributions to the training of senior talents in the field of shipping and logistics.

Mr Hauguel introduced EMN’s history and present situation. He pointed out that with the distinct characteristics of SMU and EMN, this agreeable collaboration would be bound to hatch a promising future.

President Huang and Vice President Jean-Christophe Hauguel helped DBA’s student representative to wear two universities’ school badge jointly.

Founded in 1871, école de Management de Normandie is one of the oldest business schools in France. It holds EPAS, EQUIS, and AACSB accreditations. In 2015, EMN was selected to appear in the ranking of the Financial Times of the best masters in management in the world. Institute for Teaching and Port Research(IPER) is a professional training institute in EMN. Since its foundation in 1977, it has become the leading specialist in continuing executive education for the shipping, ports and logistics sectors.