A Motion Proposed by SMU’s Professors Adopted by IMO

Author:系统管理员Release Time:2019-05-05View:15

From April 29 to May 3, HTW 6 (The 6th session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping) was held in London by IMO (International Maritime Organization). The motion “Verb Glossary for IMO’s Demonstration Courses”, which was written by our university’s professors, submitted by IMLA(International Maritime Lecturers Association) and Chinese government was approved smoothly. The Associate Professor Xian Wang from College of Foreign Languages and Associate Professor Xiangming Zeng from Merchant Marine College participated the meeting. On behalf of IMLA, the two associate professors took part in the whole discussion.


Till now, IMO has prepared over 70 demonstration courses. These courses were regarded as the “international standard for maritime education and training” and were used officially by the whole world. With the aim of instructing member countries to construct detailed crew training method, the participant of each procedure embodies a country’s strong dominance and discourse power.


In the motion, two professors noted that this act was bound to have a great significance to international maritime education. The motion was supported by representatives from 13 different countries and finally adopted successfully. The meeting approved to set up a working team that based on the cores of IMLA and Chinese government to carry out this motion as soon as possible.


In 2011, SMU was selected as the chair unit of IMLA. Since then, SMU got the opportunity to participant fully to IMO’s  revision works and conferences, which largely promoted our university’s international reputation and international affairs interference ability.