The First World Maritime Conference held in SMU

Author:系统管理员Release Time:2019-10-23View:12

On October 20, the first World Maritime Conference was held at ShanghaiMaritime University. More than 400 experts and scholars from nearly 30countries and regions attended this conference.

Prof. Huang Youfang,President of SMU said that the conference is the most extensive academicconference in the field of maritime in China. With the change of world tradepattern and the application of artificial intelligence, unmanned driving andother new technologies, the shipping industry faces both opportunities andchallenges. The successful holding of the World Maritime Conference in 2019will surely make greater contributions to the sustainable development of theworld maritime and related fields.

Dr. EricMaskin of Harvard University and Dr. George Smoot of University of California deliveredspeeches respectively. They first congratulated the inauguration of the firstWorld Maritime Conference. Then they said that the holding of the World Maritime Conference showsthe firm determination to build a high-level maritime university with globalinfluence. They believed that SMU will have more bright future.

Approved by China Association for Science and Technology, the conferenceis jointly sponsored by China Institution of Navigation and SMU. The conferenceconcludes 13 forums and more than 100 keynote speeches, focusing on the topicsincluding World Maritime Economy Forum, Shipping and Management, IntelligentShip, Maritime Management, Maritime Law, Maritime Energy Management and so on.