Delegates from Massachusetts Maritime Academy visited SMU

Author:系统管理员Release Time:2019-11-01View:14

Recently, a delegation headed by Francis McDonald, Presidentof Massachusetts Maritime Academy and Jessica Waters,Vice Chair of the Board Massachusetts Maritime Academy visited SMU. President HuangYoufang, VicePresident Shi Xin and Head of relevant department from SMUmeat them.

The two sidesfirst reviewed the fruitful cooperation in student exchange, teacher exchangeand cooperative research since the signing of the memorandum of cooperation in2008, and discussed the further cooperation in the next stage. Then President Huangand President Francis MacDonald renewed the cooperation contract. The two sidesagreed to continue to promote student exchange program and mutual developmentin the future.

SMU andMassachusetts Maritime Academy started student programs since 2009 and havejointly trained more than 300 students. The student programs helped improve students'ability and were recognized by the participants.