Author:荣达Release Time:2020-12-16View:1252


Vice President

SHI Xin, born in 1966, professor, vice president of Shanghai Maritime University. Prof. Shi is also council member of Chinese Navigation Society, executive deputy director of shipping management specialized committee, director of port and shipping specialized committee, Shanghai traffic committee of science and technology committee, executive council member of Shanghai association of management, deputy director of transportation and logistics professional committee. Prof. Shi has long engaged in the teaching and research work in the field of transportation planning and management, was funded by NSFC(Natural Science Foundation of China), The phosphor (tracking) of Shanghai science and technology plan, Shanghai shuguang plan, etc, was in charge of several projects concerning with International shipping center construction, Transportation industry policy and industry management, Regional ports and development planning, Ports and enterprise management consulting, etc.  Prof. Shi was awarded the 2nd, 3rd prize of Shanghai science and technology progress, the 2nd, 3rd prize of Shanghai decision-makingconsultation research, 3rd prize of scientific progress of Ministry of Transport, and the 1st prize of Shanghai teaching achievements. Prof. Shi was awarded the national pacesetter engineering in the new century national candidates, enjoying special government allowances of the state council, and enjoys the honor of excellent teachers in national transportation systems, Shanghai advanced workers, Shanghai outstanding professional and technical personnel, Baosteel prize of excellent teachers, young talents of science and technology in transportation systems, ten outstanding youth in Pudong district, etc.